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Friday, May 15, 2009

♥ Touch my Hands and Come Back to ME!

In conjuction with the most-awaited concert of the year, this post is ultimately devoted to David Cook and David Archuleta! [well, mostly David Cook LOL]

I'm actually having a hard time thinking of what I should be typing. All that pops out of my head is "WOOOOOOT!" and "DAVID COOOOOOOOK!" see? obsession at its finest! I think this beats the time we saw Michael Johns at Greenbelt by miles! haha:)) but of course the hug and picture with him is another story.

Yesterday, Jenna tagged me along to SM North EDSA to watch/witness David Cook's Meet and Greet. We were really excited and all since Jenna bought 2 sets of Green Eco bags of SM just for the Meet and Greet (thanks Jenna!) We waited for like 2 hours max, then HE WAS THERE!Too bad he was only there for 5 freakin minutes, but those 5 mins were enough to lose your voice from screaming and also lose your hearing with decibels off the roof!

I took that video and bear with me since i was too giddy and excited for HIM! Jenna named that video as the long lost part two of the Blair Witch Project:)) I planned to take a video of the whole thing but I realized that the video would be useless with me jumping up and down and screaming my lungs out for his attention:))

The whole ordeal lasted for at least 5 minutes. The boys from Boys Night Out were there longer than DC! So for consolation, Jenna took pictures of me with TonyToni and Slick Rick. Sam Y G was MIA but he was there.
me with TonyToni

me with Slick Rick

After the photo-ops with them, we decided to get going since there was no way DC will return to the Ampitheater:( When we got out...I thought why not have a pic with DC! so this was the picture with DC:
At least we had a picture with him....a picture with his picture LOL;) Then we had another funtastic idea. This was Jenna's idea but the video shows mostly me. And yes I will embarrass myself even further in the World Wide Web. I only hope DC sees this (as if, but hey, I still have the right to dream right?)

So, that's that:) surely we will enjoy tomorrow's concert. See you DC/DA fans!

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11:43 AM


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      I'm a traveler lost in a vast array of new thoughts. I'm an avid observer but a tactless speaker. I may speak of the truth but it is always my opinion - whether right or wrong. These are MY thoughts, live with it.

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♥grant my wish, please?♥

The Complete X-Men Collection DVD
The Adventures of TinTin Collection
A Mimobot USB (Pirate)
Touch-Screen Phone/Sidekick-ish-Swivel Phone
Month-long Trip to Spain/Denmark/NYC/Russia

♥plurking out♥


♥they come and go♥