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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


i finally thought of updating this little thing:)

i've been on hiatus since i'm currently preoccupied with my tumblr:)

so feel free to check it out and if you have also your tumblr account, follow me!

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12:48 AM

Sunday, June 14, 2009

♥ whacked out sleeping time

I can't sleep. It's already 3:40 in the morning and I'm still awake. I must correct my sleeping habits by Sunday night (which is tomorrow or today, depends on how you see it actually) in order for me not to be late on Monday. Oh, and classes shall resume on Monday.

And if you were living under a rock, our school/university was the first school/institution who had the very first confirmed case of A(H1N1) case. whoop-dee-doo. Thus the 1-week suspension of classes.

Since I'm in a blog-ative (as opposed to talkative) mode, I shall "make kwento" of what I did with my 1-week off school.

We (me,mom,dad) went to Bangkok. Our first out-of-the-country trip in at least 5 years as a family (meaning the 3 of us). It was actually my dad's teambuilding but dad joined our little shopping spree instead of joining his officemates see the sights. But we already saw the sights, so our only task in Bangkok was to go shopping! whoopeee! We stayed for about 3 days there and I spent each night in a different hotel. First night I stayed with my dad, second night with my mom, then the third the 3 of us in my dad's hotel. My mom and I had a different hotel with my dad thus the hotel-hopping:) Bangkok didn't change much sinc the last time we went there. But the trains were L-O-V-E! I loved their subway, which they called MRT, and their Skyrail aka BTS. The last time we went there the trains were still under construction so it was very traffic back then, but now no hassle! I love it! Wish we had the same train system though.

After getting back from Bangkok, began my very boring week. I just stayed home, watched TV, surfed the net - pretty much the bum life and that actually sums up my week. It wouldn't surprise me if i packed some more pounds because of my very unproductive week. boo-hoo!

So why am I still awake? Well, I should thank Roswell (the TV series) for that. I was thinking of what movie/tv series I could watch before turning in, and lo-and-behold, I found what I have been looking for months ago! Roswell! And where did I [there goes my iPod, it slept before i did] find it? At LiveJournal! Months ago, I checked this certain LJspot if one of its members happen to upload or share with the community Roswell. It wasn't there. So it was a total surprise when after months (dont ask me how long, i forgot) I checked that LJ community and there was Roswell! I love it! I thought the user only uploaded season 1 but no, the user (i think its a she) UPLOADED ALL 3 SEASONS! I just gotta love her! and in return, I thanked the user for sharing Roswell! I thanked her in her 3 posts btw.

So yeah. there. my iPod's already sleeping and I think I should too. I'm already commiting alot of typos, so that's a sure sign.

Good MorNight and thanks for reading this:)


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3:38 AM

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

♥ its my declaration, to anyone who's listening

School's back on!

Well, school started last week (May 25) and so far we're only doing light work, but I shouldn't get used to it since this is only the start of the term and since I'm having mostly Business courses this term, well, I think I should be ready for heavy work load!:)

So far, classes are still treating me kindly but I really thought I had some bad luck with my professors. Lemme break it down to you:)

My Monday and Wednesday Classes are quite enjoyable and I love mondays and wednesdays since these are the only days where I really don't feel anywhere near LONER! Thanks to Joyce since we really have the same schedule every MW. And also Katsee since these are the only days that I have classes with her.

First off is ORTEDEV (Organization Theory and Development) with Sir H (Sir Habaradas). Sir H seems ok...but has a very high expectations with regards to papers (is this true, BM Majors?)

Next is my second take on ACTBAS1 (Accounting Basic 1 - Service). I know, I know, how can I retake something that's basic? Well, after taking and failing for the first time thanks to ACTBAS1, i realized that Accounting is not my forte! And clearly, I didn't seem to have inherited my dad's accounting gene. Poor me.

Then lastly, TREDFOR (Christian Vocation to Life) with Sir Galo once again. I had him for TREDTWO and passed the course with flying colors! I hope I'd still get a 3.0 or a 3.5 this time around :)

My MW buddies
Joyce and Me
Me and Katsee

Tuesdays and Thursdays are my LONER days:(

First off, I'm all alone in COSORES (Corporate Social Responsiveness) class. Luckily, I found a group which adopted me for the groupthingys:) Our prof totally has OCD! Seriously! But her being OC is kinda ok and it makes me appreciate organizing stuffs;)

Then next, another retake class, BUSCALC (Calculus for Commerce) with Tristan Reyes. Surprisingly, considering we have a 'terror/hard' prof, his explanations and lectures made me understand the lessons great! I mean compared to our first take on BUSCALC, this retake is much much better!

Then I have my uber long break - 3 hours! Good thing I have break buddies for 1-230 (Maffy during Tuesdays, Apple, Isay, Jenna if she doesn't go home right after class, Lor, and sometimes John) and 240-410 (Joyce and Katsee)!

And finally, I have CBESTA2 (Commerce Statistics 2) and again, this is another LONER class:( I'm not really happy with the prof (Why didn't we get Sir Jeden??) and I really have a hard time concentrating during the class. Oh and our prof often gets carried away and our lesson is side tracked:| weird! Now, I'm having thoughts if I should drop this class or not. Think Think THINK!

Alas, I don't have pictures with my TH break buddies:(

So there...first week in a nutshell:)

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6:38 PM

Friday, May 15, 2009

♥ Touch my Hands and Come Back to ME!

In conjuction with the most-awaited concert of the year, this post is ultimately devoted to David Cook and David Archuleta! [well, mostly David Cook LOL]

I'm actually having a hard time thinking of what I should be typing. All that pops out of my head is "WOOOOOOT!" and "DAVID COOOOOOOOK!" see? obsession at its finest! I think this beats the time we saw Michael Johns at Greenbelt by miles! haha:)) but of course the hug and picture with him is another story.

Yesterday, Jenna tagged me along to SM North EDSA to watch/witness David Cook's Meet and Greet. We were really excited and all since Jenna bought 2 sets of Green Eco bags of SM just for the Meet and Greet (thanks Jenna!) We waited for like 2 hours max, then HE WAS THERE!Too bad he was only there for 5 freakin minutes, but those 5 mins were enough to lose your voice from screaming and also lose your hearing with decibels off the roof!

I took that video and bear with me since i was too giddy and excited for HIM! Jenna named that video as the long lost part two of the Blair Witch Project:)) I planned to take a video of the whole thing but I realized that the video would be useless with me jumping up and down and screaming my lungs out for his attention:))

The whole ordeal lasted for at least 5 minutes. The boys from Boys Night Out were there longer than DC! So for consolation, Jenna took pictures of me with TonyToni and Slick Rick. Sam Y G was MIA but he was there.
me with TonyToni

me with Slick Rick

After the photo-ops with them, we decided to get going since there was no way DC will return to the Ampitheater:( When we got out...I thought why not have a pic with DC! so this was the picture with DC:
At least we had a picture with him....a picture with his picture LOL;) Then we had another funtastic idea. This was Jenna's idea but the video shows mostly me. And yes I will embarrass myself even further in the World Wide Web. I only hope DC sees this (as if, but hey, I still have the right to dream right?)

So, that's that:) surely we will enjoy tomorrow's concert. See you DC/DA fans!

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11:43 AM

Thursday, May 14, 2009

♥ Up Up and Away!!!

For the past week or so, I've been hearing/reading about this movie Up (Disney/Pixar). Apparently, this movie would be the first animated movie which will open in Cannes this year! I got so curious about it and watched its trailer since this movie has to be GREAT for it to be shown in Cannes Film Festival. And of course, IT IS BEAUTIFUL! Don't ever doubt the creators of Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Cars, and Monsters, Inc! Its flawless! The whole 3D thing is amazing! [ok, 3 sentences in a row ended with !]

Here's the trailer, and do watch it!

And since I'm talking about trailers and stuff, I also found out that HBO's True Blood already has a sneak peak for its Season 2 Episode 1! I felt REALLY ecstatic and giddy and ... well, you get the picture:) I've missed this series, and I've missed downloading it too! haha:)) It'll still be awhile before i get to watch Season 2 (June 14th), so I'll just settle with Senak Peaks and Promo/trailers.

Here's one:

And another:

So, that's it. For now.:)

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12:15 AM


      TheGrumpyToast is very grumpy. Beware, this toast bites.

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      I'm a traveler lost in a vast array of new thoughts. I'm an avid observer but a tactless speaker. I may speak of the truth but it is always my opinion - whether right or wrong. These are MY thoughts, live with it.

      Gela Zurbito's Facebook profile


♥grant my wish, please?♥

The Complete X-Men Collection DVD
The Adventures of TinTin Collection
A Mimobot USB (Pirate)
Touch-Screen Phone/Sidekick-ish-Swivel Phone
Month-long Trip to Spain/Denmark/NYC/Russia

♥plurking out♥


♥they come and go♥